My annual day of gifts could not be arriving at a better time. While registering for wedding gifts and errand running this weekend the strap on my purse broke. Do I have an organized box filled with other handbags? Absolutely, but that isn't the point. I am allowed to be self indulgent for my birthday. I am wishing for a Coach handbag to replace my once reliable, now broken bag. No worries, I sent an email to the fiance with the link and color suggestions. He said he wanted to get me something useful for my birthday!
We tend to get bummed about becoming a year older as it reminds us of what we were supposed to have achieved by that point, a milestone we should have reached. Admittedly, I have it pretty sweet. This year alone I am getting married to the love of my life and embarking upon a six month international adventure during which my only job is to explore how we will travel as much of Europe as possible. Embrace what you have accomplished and appreciate what makes you unique. This winter has made me super guilty of self depreciation and being too focused on what is going wrong to appreciate all that is going right.
Here's to loving ourselves, our lives, our ages, and all the challenges involved. Develop like a fine wine and get better as time moves forward.