This week has been the worst. Between having crazy long days at work, having too full of a schedule at night, and trying to get some sleep I feel like I haven't had any spare time! On the upside, it's Saturday, I slept in til nine, and this frigid month is a quarter over! Now it's time to catch up on some posts!
I love to watch documentaries to relax on the weekends. Super weird, I know. Not too long ago I watched Tapped. Tapped is about the bottled water industry, the strain on worldwide water supply, and being aware of what you are purchasing. While I don't always believe what I am told simply because it was in a movie, they promote a movement I have been a part of my entire life. Stop buying bottled water, bring your own, and conserve your water with small changes (for example, turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, easy).
When getting ready in the morning, it's very simple to forego your own bottle water and grab some at the local coffee shop or as you pass by a grocery or convenience store. The cost adds up very quickly, and while some people (my mom) will reuse the water bottle, some people will recycle, most people will just toss the plastic bottle and buy another the next day. I am totally guilty of getting bored of water and will pick up a soda or iced tea at times. For the past few days, I've been adding fruit to my water. Lemon iced water is delicious but the acid in lemons can hurt your enamel over time. My current favorite addition has been oranges. So fresh and you get a couple slices of oranges to eat after you down your water. It's pretty good incentive. I advise against berries, they tend to get soggy if they sit for longer than an hour or two. Check out some more water combos here and here. Whatever you do, please don't add Mio or other processed additives in. Know why it's zero calories? Artificial sweeteners. I used artificial flavoring liquids last year and it gave me pretty intense stomach pain. Keep it natural. Fresh tastes better anyway.
Personally, I don't like the quality of my tap water so I bought a Brita pitcher and change the filter when needed. A life, and money, saver. Invest in a good, BPA free plastic or glass water bottle. I carry two water bottles with me to work each day, one of them is glass and I love it, buy it on Amazon here. You can pop it in the dishwasher if you don't have time to hand wash and they will last forever.
Lastly, carry your bottle everywhere and proudly. I drink an unbelievable amount of water to stay hydrated and feeling good and always have a bottle in my purse or car. It will save you money and if you find a tasty flavor combo you enjoy, it will save you a lot of calories, too!
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