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Friday, October 4, 2013

Fun Friday!

Friday. Is there any better day of the week?? Sure, Saturday is great and Sunday brings about nonstop football, but growing up I always remember being the most excited for Friday. In fourth grade we would get to purchase a soda and read newspapers. I felt like such a cool adult in those moments. I grew up in small town Indiana and Friday nights were the social event of the week with their high school football and basketball games! Even nowadays, Friday means payday. It provides you with an extra boost of energy to survive your day. 

Today, for example, was a bit crazy at work. On top of that, I did not sleep well last night and was a bit too ambitious with my morning workout routine causing me to have to rush around to get out the door on time. However, today is Friday. Magically, the normal traffic back up was nonexistent. I found parking relatively easy. Delicious, chocolate cupcakes were brought into work. Plus, I splurged and bought a lunch of sushi and tea instead of eating my leftovers I brought from home. Doesn't Friday possess just a little something special? 

Fridays also bring about my awareness of the age dilemma I am experiencing. At 25, Friday means the end of a long week. I want to relax, rejuvenate, and get some sleep! As I type this, I am burning a scrumptious smelling candle, drinking a cup of tea, and listening to Investigation Discovery in the background. This, to me, is perfection. When did this happen? It's not as though I have kids of my own keeping me home, I live in a prime location for going out all night, but some peace and quiet is what I really need in the past year. Also, last time I tried to go out too late and too long, I started to fall asleep at the bar. Talk about embarrassing and making yourself feel old! My goal is to enjoy one great Friday night out in this beautiful fall weather, before a Windy City winter hits and I confine myself to my apartment for the season! What ever your Friday plans may be, enjoy them, enjoy yourself, and stay safe. Now, I'm off to finish my tea.

1 comment:

  1. Arianna! I love that you started a blog. I can now stay up to date with your life when Med School hides me from you and the rest of the world. Your words very much capture the essence of you! Love it, and you. Can't wait to read more. On to the next post.
