Purchasing what you need to work out at home could be pricey. But think about it, all you need in this day and age is a yoga mat and some free weights (I have 5 and 10 pound weights). The wonderful world of YouTube provides all the workouts you could ever think of, and more. Personally, I own a dozen or so workout DVDs. Growing up, we did the old school workouts by The Firm, now I like their newer program. I also enjoy yoga, circuit training, and dance DVDs. Check out the ratings online before you order, they can be helpful. Also, put your health and fitness magazine routines to work. There is always something new for you to do, if you're willing to try.
It's not always easy, my apartment is long and narrow so doing a proper burpee can be more like an obstacle course some days. However, I am personally way more likely to get my workout in if I can do it on my time and focus on the workout. Especially when it means I don't have to leave my house in this cold weather!
I always have a few dvd's sitting on my desk and my yoga mat on hand. The calendar above is from blogilates.com. I have been incorporating a lot of her workouts this month to switch up my daily sessions. I like to keep a running total of how often I workout each week, as well as the "type". Above I have: running, yoga, pilates, weights/circuit training, and dance. Variety keeps me going.
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