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Monday, December 30, 2013

Clean It Up After The Holidays

Oh. My. Gosh. I do believe I am done travelling for the next few days. Words cannot describe how relieved I am. My schedule has been frantic for the last two and a half weeks and I feel a mess because of it. If there is anything I cannot stand, it is feeling out of control and overwhelmed. I have been doing much better at going with the flow and enjoying small moments but, honestly, all I want to do right now is clean and organize everything, get my butt back in shape, and maybe even find a minute to relax. The good news is I have accumulated a somewhat massive to do list which should embody most everything I am looking to accomplish! The bad news is, I am fighting my gnat like attention span to get it done. So how can we clean up our routine after such holiday madness???

1. Keep good food, eat good food. I always get made fun of due to my obsession with regular grocery shopping. Last night, after travelling three hours back to the city and being utterly exhausted, I headed to Trader Joe's. I grabbed some produce, salmon, and chicken to get through the next few days.

2. A cleanse will do you good. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of juice cleanses. They get pricey, I get cranky. Disaster. However, when your system is rebelling against you and you are just craving pure nutrition, do some juicing. I have a coupon for some Suja juices from Whole Foods. I will pick them up this week and spend a day relaxing (napping and watching tv...) and sipping on juices to help my system recover a bit.

3. Write it down. ALL of it. A lot of people do regular food journals. I am not one of them. If I'm out, I will check out nutritional information on MyFitnessPal app periodically. I do like to meal plan though. I think more clearly when I can see things on paper, plus this helps me not overspend and throw away groceries each week. Something I have been guilty of far too often this month. I also encourage you to do a huge "brain dump" whenever you have a moment. I am so at fault for being quite scatter brained when I really began wedding planning. Adding that to my full routine was beyond overwhelming and left me freaking out from anxiety attacks. Now, I have a note book, my calendar, and I use the notes app on my iPhone to write anything and everything down as soon as it enters my mind. Just be sure to compile the lists every day or two! This has helped me a lot.

4. Goals. Think goals are too cheesy for you? Tell yourself you are writing an ideal long term to do list. Same concept, but the rephrasing may help. I love trying to improve and better myself. Why not?

5. Plan your workouts by the week. My workout schedule did not happen at all last week. At least, not how I wanted it to. Now, I feel bloated and have some catching up to do. But that's okay. This week, I am aiming for five hour long workouts and one yoga session. I have specific workout written down for each day. I may switch the workouts around if I need to, flexibility is key.

6. Don't forget about the money! Often we go financially overboard around the holidays, with the best intentions. Luckily, I had a lot of gift cards and my spending didn't get too crazy. I do need to tone it down though, thus I am buying my juices with a coupon. Yay saving money! The days of the check book register are over, and you don't need to go all anal retentive spread sheet if that isn't your style. I've started a few and never follow up... You do need to log into your account at least a few times a week, know how much you spend on groceries and gas, and reel in your shopping habits.

7. Too much of anything is bad. This will be my final thought on the subject. Excess gives me anxiety. Think about it, it's applicable no matter what. Too much food, good or bad. Being obsessive about food, exercise, or pinching every last penny. Too much worrying or feeling your daily life should only be going a certain way. Life owes you nothing.  Buying too much, thinking Pinterest inspired outfits and knickknacks should fill every corner of your living space. There's something very beautiful about living a more simple life. Clean, delicious food. Orderly living space. Well used and maintained belongings. That, to me, sounds like perfection. 

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