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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Get Your Yoga On

Last night, on Valentine's Day, my relationship of seven and a half years reached a whole new level of intimacy. That's right, my fiance asked for my assistance in working out and getting in wedding shape! And no, not working out like that either! A month or so ago I had asked him his plan on getting ready for the big day, I volunteered to cook leaner dinners and suggested he started to think about how he wanted to work out and begin to get in shape. He dismissed me, saying he had no problem eating better, but exercise wasn't really a priority.

Well yesterday we decided we will start doing yoga together once a week. This weekend will be a fail as I have hair and make up trials tomorrow and I get to try on my dress on Monday, plus we need to get him his very own yoga mat! I feel like a proud parent here.

The whole conversation brings up an interesting point, for the longest time I dismissed yoga as a legit form of exercise. Back in the day, I believed if you weren't lifting or jumping it didn't count as exercise. Yoga was simply for hippies or the elderly. Then I tried power yoga and fell in love. The routine did indeed zen my overanxious tendencies, at least temporarily. Also, holding some of those poses caused me to break a sweat and really focus on my body and how it was moving and supporting itself. Now, I can't speak highly enough of yoga. It's a great in between workout for when your body needs extra stretching, toning, or if you're not feeling up to something super intense.

Try out at least one yoga workout this week. Nearly every YouTube fitness channel offers a free routine but I recommend at least forty minutes of yoga to really get all the benefits. I prefer the strengthening and toning benefits of power yoga, but maybe you want to try something more gentle and ease into a new routine. Either way, give it a go and incorporate yoga each week. You will see your body being a bit more toned and your mind a bit more relaxed. Do it with your significant other for extra bonus points!

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