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Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Productive Start

A few days ago, I mentioned doing a one day cleanse as a way to kick off 2014. I went to Whole Foods on New Year Eve, with my coupon, and stocked up on the six juices I needed for the day. They were out of one variety, Fuel which I swapped for a second Purify, and then I accidentally grabbed two Glow juices instead of the Green Supreme. Oh well, that's what happens when you're in a hurry. Regardless, I did juice yesterday and it was a nice way to recover from the potluck we attended the night before. I couldn't fall asleep until about 1:30 in the morning and I started to get very hungry around midnight. Luckily, my desire to not wake my fiance kept me in bed instead of dashing into the kitchen for a midnight indulgence. 

My to do list for the day was a mile long, but then I woke up and our block looked like this:

And that makes it look mild. While I decided to forego my planned Target and grocery trip, I was determined to mail out my holiday thank you cards and walked two blocks to the mail box. Miserable decision. The temperatures stayed above zero all day but the wind and snow was blinding. I am almost positive not a single mail carrier made it out in these conditions so it was all for nothing, at least they're out for tomorrows pick up! There is still snow falling now and, as I have an appointment with a possible wedding florist tomorrow, I desperately hope it stops soon! On the upside, our place is vacuum, mopped, and I deep cleaned half our kitchen cabinets. I do not know how to sit still. Working out, laundry, ironing, organizing, and some wedding research also got done today, not too shabby in my opinion. Here's hoping the weather is less horrid tomorrow. Stay warm!

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