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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Streamline & Simplify

City apartment living and I are no longer friends. I just tripped on my humidifier and nearly face planted to my death while trying to organize my bedroom. In a year and a half from now, we will be in a comparatively sprawling house on the far north side or suburbs of the city. At the moment, I must make do.

I have a somewhat/absolutely obsessive cleaning, shopping, and exercise routine that honestly keeps me sane. Add in almost completely solo wedding planning and trying to take up some better for me practices and it throws a wrench in my entire system. Leisurely reading time doesn't exist, I'm getting to the store too late and plowing over the elderly in frustration, and my stress level feels heightened over mostly nothing. Enough with the whining, how could you possibly remedy this situation? 

Single tasking. What? How counterproductive! Actually, although we function in a society that glorifies multitasking balls-to-the-wall personalities, doing one to do at a time will make you more efficient. As the person trying to accomplish three or four things at once, I can testify that doing more at one time does not equal a higher rate of productivity. I love my lists and they are constantly being expanded as to do's pop into my head. Lately none of them are getting crossed off because I haven't been focusing and mono-tasking. If your mind runs a million miles a minute, I recommend always having a small notepad or some paper available to jot things down as they come into your head. When you have a moment, you can organize and tackle them in a concise manner.

For the next few weeks, I am going to slow down, take a breath, and see what I can accomplish when I take it one step at a time. Who knows, maybe I'll even be less likely to trip over and run into things. One can certainly hope!

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